Mark 12
Verse 1 vineyard Israel. Isaiah 5:1-7. Israel was not fruitless, but brought forth only wild grapes. Cf. ; John 3:6; Hosea 10:1 contra, Hosea 14:8. Verse 2 sent to Mark 12:2-5. the prophets and John the Baptist. Verse 6 son Jesus Himself. Cf. Hebrews 1:1-3 Verse 9 destroy Fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 70. Cf. Luke 21:20-24. Verse 10 The stone See, Psalms 118:22,23 cf. (See Scofield "1 Peter 2:8") Verse 11 Lord's Jehovah. vs. Mark 10:10,11; Psalms 118:22,23 Verse 18 Sadducees (See Scofield "Matthew 3:7") . Also, Mr12: 22,23 Verse 24 said unto them See margin ref., (See Scofield "Matthew 22:29") Verse 25 from the dead Lit. from amongst; cf., Philippians 3:11 Here it is the first resurrection. (See Scofield "1 Corinthians 15:52") . angels (See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4") . Verse 26 read in the book Jesus affirms the historic truth and inspiration of Ex. 3. Verse 34 far i.e. not far in knowledge. He knew the very law which utterly condemns the best man -- its true office. Romans 3:19; 10:3-5; Galatians 3:10; Galatians 3:22-24. Verse 35 son of i.e. David's Son only. Cf. Romans 1:3,4 Verse 36 For David Inspiration. (Jesus affirms the inspiration and Davidic authorship of Psa 110) Matthew 12:36; Luke 1:3; Exodus 4:15; Revelation 22:19 The Lord Jehovah. my Lord Adonai, Psalms 110:1.