Yesu Keriso
da Bino
The Good News
Jesus Christ
Published By:
Wycliffe Bible Translators - U.S.A.
Mark, Luke, and Acts in the Binandere Language
of Oro Province, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
© 2014 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
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Tok Orait
Dispela Buk Baibel i kam wantaim tok orait na lo bilong Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works license. Em i tok olsem yu ken givim kopi long narepela manmeri. Yu ken wokim kopi na givim long husat i laikim. Tasol, yu mas tok klia dispela samting i kam long Yu no ken kisim mani na salim dispela. Yu mas givim nating. Na tu, yu no ken senisim Tok.
Ol piksa i kam wantim ol Baibel na narapela buk i stap long dispela sait i gat tok orait long usim wantaim dispela samting tasol. Sapos yu laik narapela tok orait, yu mas askim husat i papa bilong copyright long dispela ol piksa.
Sapos yu laik stretim samting i no orait long dispela tok orait, stretim tok, salim Buk Baibel, o tainim Tok bilong God long nupela tok ples, yu ken askim mipela.
Olgeta tok orait na lo long tok ples English i stap long
Sapos yu gat askim long dispela, plis askim mipela.
First Edition 2014 652
ISBN: 0 86893 478 X
Ove Gaiari da Ge Awa Indari.
Mark 1
Luke 72
Iwata Ari 188
Ge Moka Teteka 300
Paul da Pepeta ari da Asisi 312
God da Ge Matu (Old Testament)
Genesis Ecclesiastes
Exodus Song of Songs
Leviticus Isaiah
Numbers Jeremiah
Deuteronomy Lamentations
Joshua Ezekiel
Judges Daniel
Ruth Hosea
I Samuel Joel
II Samuel Amos
I Kings Obadiah
II Kings Jonah
I Chronicles Micah
II Chronicles Nahum
Ezra Habakkuk
Nehemiah Zephaniah
Esther Haggai
Job Zechariah
Psalms Malachi
God da Ge Teka (New Testament)
Matthew I Timothy
Mark II Timothy
Luke Titus
John Philemon
Iwata Ari Hiburu
Rome James
I Korinth I Peter
II Korinth II Peter
Galesia I John
Epesisi II John
Pilipai III John
Kolosi Jude
I Tesalonaika Amboda Idegaina
II Tesalonaika
Ge Tuturoda
Ove gaiari eiwa awa Mark, Luke, edo Iwata ari [Acts] da Binandere geda wareregari Binandere embomai awa embo. Binandere ge tari embomai ajijigari 10,500 ango awa Oro Province doda, edo nasi babain de babaingae deda, Papua New Guinea doda isima edo era.
Natokare nanonameji ae ruaimono de Keriso da toda ove gaiari eiwa embo benunu tari jiwae edo kando jiwae pisido esitera. Awatedo, nanekare boroko imomane da da berari dobémi ategetera!
Nakare benunu tera awa, ove gaiari eiwa Yesu da taogari edo God da dubobari Binandere embomaida yai ari arapa aina. Daedo, aindabé Badari mi nakare kondade esiri ove eiwa wareregedo gaguritera, nanekare Embo awa ategesite, edo taogari berari Ainda yai pipitera.
This book is a translation of Mark, Luke and Acts in the Binandere language for the Binandere people. About 10,500 Binandere speaking people live in Oro Province, and in the big and small towns inside Papua New Guinea.
Our brothers and sisters in Christ have prayed much and given many gifts for the writing of this book. Therefore, we now give a heart felt thank you to every one of you!
We are praying, that this book will reveal Jesus’ glory and God’s love to the Binandere people. Also, because the Lord helped us translate and write this book, we are thanking Him and giving Him all the glory.