1 Timoteo
Ka Batasan no Oglitos to mgo Otow no Ogtuu
Ka Bohog ni Pablo Tongod to Ubat-ubat no Pog-anad
Ka Igkarago ni Pablo to Pogkohoy-u to Magboboot
Ka Litos no Batasan to mgo Nigtuu
Mgo Udling Tongod to mgo Pogbuyagon to mgo Nigtuu
Mgo Talagbulig dio to Ampuanan
Ka Tu-tuu ian no Tinuuan
Mgo Talag-anad to Ubat
Ka Maroyow no Suguanon ni Hisu Kristu
Katondanan ni Timoteo to mgo Otow no Ogtuu ki Hisus
Mgo Udling Tongod to mgo Pogbuyagon to mgo Nigtuu
Ka Ubat no Pog-anad, woy ka Pulus to Tu-tuu ian
Mgo Udling ni Pablo ki Timoteo