The Superscription
Jeremiah’s Call and Commission
Visions Confirming Jeremiah’s Calland Commission
TheLord Reminds Themofthe Unfaithfulness ofTheir Ancestors
TheLord Charges Contemporary Israel with Spiritual Adultery
Israel’s Reliance on Foreign Alliances (notonGod)
TheLord Expresses His Exasperation at Judah’s Persistent Idolat
TheLordCallsonIsraelandJudahto Repent
Warning ofComing Judgment
Willful Disregard ofGodWill Lead toDestruction
Jeremiah Laments overthe Coming Destruction
TheLord Laments ThatHeHasNo Choice Butto Judge Them
TheComing Destruction CallsFor Mourning
Jeremiah Laments forand Prays forthe Soon-to-be-Judged People
A Plot AgainstJeremiahis Revealed andHe Complains of Injustice
Judgmentfor Believing the Misleading Lies ofthe False Prophets
Lament overPresentDestructionand Threat ofMoretoCome
Jeremiah Complains aboutHis Lot andTheLord Responds
TheLord Promises Exile (ButAlso Restoration)
Individuals Are Challenged toPutTheir Trust inthe Lord
Jeremiah Appeals tothe Lord for Vindication
Observance ofthe Sabbath DayIsa Key tothe Future
Jeremiah Petitions the Lord to Punish Those Who Attack Him
Jeremiah Complains aboutthe Reaction toHis Ministry
Warnings totheRoyal Court
Judgmenton Jehoahaz
Judgmenton Jehoiakim
Warning toJerusalem
Jeconiah Will Be Permanently Exiled
Oracles Againstthe False Prophets
Judah andtheNationsWill Experience God’s Wrath
A Response tothe Letter anda Subsequent Letter
IsraelandJudahWillBeDeliveredafteraTimeof Deep Distress
TheLordWill Heal the Wounds of Judah
TheLordWillRestore Israel and Judah
IsraelWillBe Restored and Join Judah inWorship
Judah WillBe Restored
Israel and Judah Will Be Repopulated
TheLordWillMakea New Covenant with Israel and Judah
TheLord Guarantees Israel’s Continuance
Jerusalem WillBe Enlarged
Jeremiah’s Prayer ofPraiseand Bewilderment
TheLordAnswers Jeremiah’s Prayer
TheLord Reaffirms His Covenant withDavid, Israel, and Levi
The Lord Threatens toDestroyThoseWho Wronged Their Slaves
BaruchandJeremiah Write Another Scroll
TheLordRespondsto Zedekiah’s Hope forHelp
Jeremiah is Charged with Deserting, Arrested, and Imprisoned
An Ethiopian Official Rescues JeremiahfromtheCistern
Jeremiah Responds to Zedekiah’s Request for Secret Advice
TheFallofJerusalemandIts Aftermath
Ebed Melech IsPromised Deliverance becauseofHis Faith
A Small Judean Province is Established atMizpah
Ishmael Murders Gedaliahand Carries theJudeansatMizpah off as Capt
Johanan Rescues thePeopleIshmaelHadCarriedOff
Jeremiah Predicts that Nebuchadnezzar Will Plunder EgyptandIts Gods
TheProphecyabout Egypt’s Defeat at Carchemish
The Lord Predicts that Nebuchadnezzar Will Attack and Plunder Egypt
APromiseof Hope for Israel
Judgment Against Edom
Judgment Against Damascus
Judgment Against Kedar and Hazor
Judgment Against Elam
Jehoiachin inExile