COPYRIGHT POLICY If you have a question about how Dr. McGee's online, print, and audio resources may be used, please review all of the information below. If your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact us. Permissions Guidelines on All Print and Audio Material You are permitted and encouraged to reproduce and distribute any print or audio TTB material in any format provided that you do not alter the wording in any way (or, if applicable, make it clear it is an excerpt), do not charge a fee of any kind for the copied material (including compensation for reproduction costs), and clearly attribute Dr. J. Vernon McGee and Thru the Bible Radio as the source of the material. Please include the following statement on any distributed or web-posted copy: "By Dr. J. Vernon McGee © Thru the Bible Radio Network," For web posting, a link to our website is requested. Use of Material Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers To determine if one of our books has been published by Thomas Nelson, see the copyrights page at the front of the book. Short quotes and excerpts from Dr. McGee’s books published by Thomas Nelson may be used freely, following the same permissions guidelines above--this includes the self-publishing of manuscripts. Professional publication of a manuscript that includes excerpts from Dr. McGee’s books or commentaries that are published by Thomas Nelson requires permission obtained from them: Thomas Nelson, Inc. ATTN: Copyright and Permissions P.O. Box 14100 Nashville, TN 37214 Phone: 615-889-9000 or 1-800-251-4000 Copyright FAQs May I reprint excerpts from the newsletter, edited messages, or any other TTB material in my church newsletter, bulletin, etc.? What about making copies of "The Inside Story", Dr. McGee's Notes and Outlines, or other materials to share with members of a Sunday school or Bible study class? Yes and yes! See the "Permissions Guidelines" at the top of this page for more information. Can I record the program from the radio or my computer to listen to later or share with friends? Yes! Just remember that the copied materials must be given out completely free of charge. If you'd like to share something with someone else but don't have the personal resources to do so freely, let them know about all of our great--and completely free--online resources! I'd like to help advertise the ministry of TTB! Do I have permission to place an ad in my local newspaper, print up fliers, buy ad space on a billboard, etc. to promote the program? Will you write the ad for me? Yes, we encourage our listeners to help advertise TTB in any way they can--and over the years friends of the ministry have come up with some pretty creative ways to do so! However, because of our strict policy not to spend any of our resources on advertising in these ways, we will not create or provide ad text or artwork for you. But, of course, you're welcome to use any of the information or text here on our website to create your promotional material. Why do we restrict the reselling of copied audio programs? Dr. McGee never wanted listeners to become detached from the ministry and its overall goal to bring the whole Word to the whole world. The further removed the broadcasts get from the ministry, the less likely the listeners will pray for and financially support the mission to bring Dr. McGee's teaching to every country in the world. In addition, Dr. McGee did not want his messages edited nor did he want outside unauthorized parties to use his teaching for their own personal profit. So although we appreciate those who desire to bring Dr. McGee's teaching to as many people as possible, we also request that those same individuals comply with the desires of Dr. McGee and the Board of Directors of Thru the Bible Radio. Can I stream the audio program in mp3 or other formats from my own website as long as I'm not charging anyone to listen to it? We would be glad to grant you written permission for this type of rebroadcasting. To submit a request for consideration, please contact us. May I put a link to on my website? It's a great blessing when friends of the ministry share it with others, so please feel free to add a Thru the Bible Radio link to your website.