Most Important Message
Every Day is Different
Only With Your Approval
CHRISTmas, what does it mean
Please Do Not Ignore This Warning
Do You Wear The Sign of a Christian?
Don't Be Too Sure
Holy Spirit Lives Within Us
Why I Believe That End Times Are Here Now
Rebuffed By My Nephew
Football And Christ
Stewardship Talk
Feeling Weak Today?
Can We Lose Our Salvation?
Choices We Make - Make Us
As If it Were My Only Day
Is There One God Or Three?
What Should a Person Do With The Rest of Their Life?
This Old House
Will You Miss Your Freewill in Heaven?
Story of a Boy Who Does Not Yet Know Christ
How Do We Know The Holy Spirit?
Inside Your Own Walls
Are Our Present Worries Justified?
When We Don’t Feel Close to God
Isn’t it Time?
What is Wrong When We Feel Lonely?
Why am I Not in a Hurry?
If Today is My Last Day - What Will I Do?
Heaven Concepts
Does God Take Care of The Poor?
Predestination For Christians
What God Has Done For Me Throughout My Life
Dial a Christian
Why Do Personal Evangelism
Age of Accountability
Is The Truth of Any Use?
About Harboring a Grudge
Best Birthday Present
Judgments of God Are Coming
Is Satan Everywhere?
Saul of Tarsus
Before Coming to Christ – What I Thought
Christ Has Changed My Life
Christians And Evolution Theory
Church - What Most Churches Do Not Teach
This is The Objectional Commentary in Newsletter
Letter to Those Who Objected to My Commentary
Letter to Our Jewish Friends After Our Meeting
Dear Loved Ones - Our Last Goodbye
Did I Ever Love Them?
Do Dreams Reveal Directions?
If You Knew This Would Be Your Last Day
End of Time Thoughts
Questions About The Rapture
Is The World Coming to An End?
Letter to Our Granddaughter
If We Had Only Thirty Days to Live
Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About Faith
Will All Christians Make it to Heaven?
Golden Rule is Great to Live By But is Not Enough
Back to Basics in Faith
Our Salvation – How Can We Be Sure?
About Faith - Letter to a Friend
Spiritual Life Musings
Other Ways to Reach Out With The Gospel
Don’t Be Afraid to Talk About Faith
How to Tell Others About Your Faith
When Bad Things Happen to Good People
Do Not Wait Too Long
What is Faith?
My Faith is Based On
Was I Really Living?
I Know I Risk Offending You With This Message
Soon After I Arise Each Morning
What Binds Me to Faith?
What If I am Wrong About Jesus Being The Only Way
My Statement of Faith
Letter to a Man Who Objected to My Faith Writing
How Can We Have God in Our Lives?
How to Keep Satan Out of Your Life
My Statement of Grace
What Should We Do Before Going to Heaven?
Will We Be - Strangers in Paradise?
Heaven - I Wonder About Many Things
Do Not Accept Hell!
Is Hell Inevitable For Non-Christians
Jesus Has Healed Me
How Jesus Has Helped Me
Jesus’ Greatest Commandment
How to Accept Jesus’ Offer to Be Saved
Only For Those Who Want to Know Jesus
Jesus’ Soon Coming Confirmation
What Our Lord Requires From Us
What Would it Be Like Without Christ in Your Life?
It is Understandable That Many Do Not Know Jesus
Presentation For Jesus
Joy in Living And How to Have Joy in Your Life
Was I Really Living?
Would I Stand Up For The Lord?
What is Wrong When Christmas Spirit is Not Felt?
To My Wife Anita My Best Friend
Letter From Our Daughter
Letter to Our Daughter About Faith
To Our Daughter Judy About Her Life
To Our Son, Your Eternal Future
Son Paul – Luck Or What?
We Have Souls That Will Live On-Childhood Prayer
Let Us Say This Prayer of Thanksgiving Together
Questions About The Rapture
Rapture - When Will Jesus Come For His Faithful?
What Will Happen After The Rapture - Tribulation
How to Be Saved
How Long to Wait Before Asking to Be Saved?
On Being Saved And Prayers
Heaven Introduction – How I Came to Jesus
Churches That Will Miss The Rapture
Should We Support Our Leaders?
Favorite Prayers
Our Favorite Hymns
Some Nice Thoughts